Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Energy Drinks

I honestly think that there is nothing better then energy drink when you feel like you're going to die of exhaustion. It just completely makes me think positively and become more active. Okay, so its only for a short amount of time, but still. It's worth the $3.75 it cost.
But then again, there's been all that debate about the dangers of energy drinks and how unhealthy they are. I completely admit to being addicted to V whenever I have the chance of getting it but many of my friends have tried to ward me off it. I'll tell them I'm not truly awake and focussed unless I've had one and they reply by telling me all these things about how it thickens your blood, makes your nerves completely throw a spaz and how you end up being more tired than before. I wasn't really sure what to believe and I know there's other people out there who LOVE their Red Bull and Monster but are kinda worried about the health risks.
Well, I could do some research and figure out the true facts about energy drinks. But... I can't be stuffed and I haven't died...yet. I guess I'll just say don't go over the top and try some coffee instead. Although it isn't much better, APPARENTLY it has less caffeine.
I might find some facts on this topic later ;)

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