Friday, October 30, 2009

One guy, Three Hammers

Recently, a friend of mine from school told about this video they had seen called - One Guy, Three Hammers, Anyways, he told me that it was about a guy getting murdered. Apparently he had been bashed in the face with a hammer and then stabbed in the gut with a screwdriver!!!! Sorry, but I had trouble believing it.

I still do, and that's after I watched it. Just to describe a few of the feelings I experienced when I watched this... firstly feeling like I was going to hurl my sandwich all over my bedroom. Secondly was a feeling of complete disbelief and then thirdly a feeling of 'WTF'

Anyways, if you haven't seen it I say you have to see it except please, please, please do DO NOT watch it. I guess its one of those things where it sounds completely wrong and yet you are filled with curiousity. I guess I just had to had to see it to believe it and I'm kinda that sort of person...

If you have seen it. Let me know you thoughts. Personally I find it absolutely disgusting and it doesn't go well with food.

To the family, I'm sorry for your loss and for the poor man, hopefully you're in a better place now.

R.I.P :(

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Old People (Well, some of them :P)

Okay, well something happened to me the other day and I sort of felt like sharing it. I was getting on a local bus with my younger sister and it was pretty empty except for I guess one or two people. Anyways, we were sitting on those seats up the front that are supposed to be for disabled people or old people or whatever. Anyways, we only sat there because it was convenient and well ... does it really matter where the hell you sit on a freaking bus?!

ANYWHO, this old lady gets aboard about three stops after we've gotten on and the bus is still relatively empty, plenty of seats right? And so she gets aboard and demands (pretty rudely) that she wants to sit in our seats. Well, one of our seats because you can't really take up two, unless your fat, and she wasn't , haha kinda getting carried away. Anyways, I sort of politely pointed out there were plenty of free seats. I pointed this out rather politely because my parents have raised be to be respectful to old people. Yeah, I get that, if I was old and my life was almost over, I'd be kinda pissed at the world too. So this lady, wants an argument and starts rambling on about the rude people of today and how they are so impolite, disgraceful, spoiled etc, etc.

(I'm glad she's not my grandma :S)

So I finally gave in and me and my sister moved. But it kinda got me thinking that some old people can be rude too. SO STOP with the stereotypes that young people are hooligans, idiots and all that. Of course some of us are and we're just enjoying being young. Maybe you're jealous? Maybe you wish you were young? You know, you are only young once and who can blame us if we make the most of it?

Kurt Cobain

Yep, I'm another one of those annoying Nirvana fans who can't get over what is supposedly the 'most influential band' in history. I understand how older people could become annoyed at fans like me who weren't even alive when Nirvana was around but that doesn't stop me from completely LOVING them. And although I love their music, I think I find that I'm most drawn to the deceased lead singer, Kurt Cobain. I have done so much research on this man that I'm a walking encyclopedia of him and yet I don't even know half there is to know about him!
I guess people find it weird that my hero and role model was a drug taking, self destructing guy but that's how it is. I only wished I had met him. Just to see the real him, not the one being interviewed and not the one on stage.
I also loved his crazy stunts such as dressing up in Courtney's clothes and diving wildly into drum kits. I can still never understand how much that would hurt!
The thing I've heard Kurt talk about on various interviews is the interpretation of his lyrics. He claimed that he just used random lyrics that would sort of fit with the song and that he got annoyed at people who tried to interpret his lyrics into something deeper. I like that he used lyrics as another part of the song. They do say that the voice is an instrument and why should lyrics make sense anyway? As long as they make a good song, I guess it doesn't really matter.
I think that's all for now but there will definetely be more posts about Kurt and Nirvana :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Energy Drinks

I honestly think that there is nothing better then energy drink when you feel like you're going to die of exhaustion. It just completely makes me think positively and become more active. Okay, so its only for a short amount of time, but still. It's worth the $3.75 it cost.
But then again, there's been all that debate about the dangers of energy drinks and how unhealthy they are. I completely admit to being addicted to V whenever I have the chance of getting it but many of my friends have tried to ward me off it. I'll tell them I'm not truly awake and focussed unless I've had one and they reply by telling me all these things about how it thickens your blood, makes your nerves completely throw a spaz and how you end up being more tired than before. I wasn't really sure what to believe and I know there's other people out there who LOVE their Red Bull and Monster but are kinda worried about the health risks.
Well, I could do some research and figure out the true facts about energy drinks. But... I can't be stuffed and I haven't died...yet. I guess I'll just say don't go over the top and try some coffee instead. Although it isn't much better, APPARENTLY it has less caffeine.
I might find some facts on this topic later ;)